Thursday, May 3, 2007

Module 5 Preparing for 'Future Shock'

When I think of the term 'Future Shock' the first thing that comes to mind is Alvin Tofflers' book of the same name of which the phrase was originally taken from. Though first published in 1970, it's relevance remains and can be applied within the context of the internet and its ever changing environment. Toffler states in his introduction:

"......Change is the process by which the future invades our lives, and it is important to look at it closely, not merely from the grand perspectives of history, but also from the vantage point of the living, breathing individuals who experience it....."

and from a chapter appropriately named "The Death of Permanence":

"Future shock is a time phenomenon, a product of the greatly accelerated rate of change in society........a coherent image of the future can also shower us with valuable insights into today."

he also states:

"....between the pace of environmental change and the limited pace of human response. For future shock grows out of the increasing lag between the two."

As 'Advanced Internet Users', keeping abreast of the changes and new directions that the internet takes is crucial in preparing us for the future technologies that are rapidly evolving. We need to continually remain concious of these aspects of internet change if we are to successfully adapt to its environs, thus minimising the impact of any 'Future Shock'.

Web Resources:

"Info-Communication Concepts." (accessed May 03, 2007).

Reading Resources:

Toffler,Alvin. Future Shock. London: Pan Books Ltd, 1970.

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