Monday, April 9, 2007

Module 4 Overview

This is an overview of Module 4: Using the Infosphere: Taking & Organising. This module is mainly concerned with how to choose the appropriate tools for retrieving information including its organisation and storage. The second part of the module deals with skills corresponding to searching for material on the web and, in addition, to assessing the quality of that material as to its credibilty and relevance in relation to the search objective.


When dealing with information available from the web, certain tools are utilized and can be categorized as follows:

- Tools/software that allow the user to read certain file formats or view information/material.
- Tools/software that assist in the organisation and storeage of information.
- Tools/software that deal with security issues.

Most of the tools that were discussed in Module 4 are ones that I already utilize. Among the media players, I also have Winamp which I downloaded at one stage, due to none of the other players recognizing the file format. It plays most file formats.


To be able to search the web effectively and productively, it is essential to be aware of the following:

- Have a greater awareness and knowledge of the varying 'modus operandi' that are employed when searching the internet.
- A better understanding of the differing kinds of sources available to locate information.
- Knowing what types of information resources are available in the first instance can prove to make the search a much more expedient process.

My searching skills in the past have, for the majority of searches, been confined to using Google. On occasion I have utilized other methods, but have tended to stick with what I know. I am looking forward to refining my skills within this area, while studying Module 4, hence widening my 'horizons' so to speak thus enabling me to locate information much more efficiently.


Having the ability to discriminate effectively between types of information and there sources is critical with respect to assessing if the source and material is credible, relevent, authoritive etc.

It was interesting to note the WebCT discussion re using Wikipedia as an annotated resource. It was a good exercise in that it assisted me to be more discriminating with the types of information and sources that I was utilizing for my Resource Project.

Web Resources:

"Using the Infosphere: Taking & Organising." (accessed April 9, 2007).

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