Wednesday, April 25, 2007

Module 5 Overview

Module 5 - Info-Communication Concepts, as the title denotes, is primarily concerned with the conceptual side of internet info-communication and, how we as advanced internet users, can best benefit from a sound understanding of the associated concepts. For myself, thinking about the internet in conceptual terms is, in a way, stepping out of the bubble and looking at the bigger picture so to speak. Understanding the internet as a whole while remaining concious of all that makes it what it is ie the smaller parts, is integral to becoming an 'advanced internet user'.

The module covers:

Information Ecologies which explore many of the concepts related to info-communication that we have studied in the previous modules and how technologies such as the internet can be likened to an ecosystem.

Peer to Peer which is used as a case study example to illustrate how one particular aspect of the internet and its use, will often require a sound knowledge and good understanding of its application if it is to be utilized effectively.

'Future Shock' which looks at what the future may hold and its impact on our understanding and use of the internet, as an ever evolving 'ecosystem'.

Web Resources:

"Info-Communication Concepts." (accessed April 25, 2007).

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