Saturday, March 31, 2007

Module 3 FTP Task

Try uploading your web page (or your draft info bank or learning log) to your student web space in Oasis or your own web space provided by your ISP if you have one using ftp.

As there have been a few problems re students uploading their pages to the student webspace in Oasis, I opted to upload to a free hosting account provided by Atspace: They have a free web hosting option and it is popup/banner add free so thought it was ideal for this task.

For this task, I used the FTP client FileZilla: for Windows. The upload process was really straightforward and I was able to connect straight away. I then dragged my files to the remote host folder which included index and css files plus the images folder. I then checked the address and found that my test page had uploaded successfully. Here is the url of my uploaded page:

I found this task to be much less complicated than I thought it would be, it was a very simple process.

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