Tuesday, March 27, 2007

Module 3 Overview

This is a brief overview Module 3 - Contributing to the Infosphere: E-Writing? The purpose of this module is to explore the various methods and tools used for publishing information and communication online in a more 'permanent' fashion.

The two mediums that are most widely utilised for this purpose are either a Website or a Blog. However, each serves a different purpose in the way it presents and communicates information and how it is read by the viewer.

LINEAR DOCUMENTS - These types of documents are normally read from start to finish by the reader if they want to understand the information presented in it's full context. Most linear type web-based documents can be downloaded.

NON-LINEAR DOCUMENTS - These types of documents are read as more of a reference, there is no need to read the entire document, the reader may only need to pick out the information that they feel is relevant. Most non-linear web-based documents are diplayed and navigated on screen.


  • Need to be coded when they are updated
  • More non-linear in form
  • Normally a more formal presentation
  • Links are more information orientated
  • Only updated when content needs to be revised


  • Easily published, websites need to be coded
  • More linear in form
  • More informal
  • Links more communication orientated
  • Blogs updated/added to more frequently
It was interesting to note the distinctions between a blog and a website. I had never really thought about it prior to this NET11 course and, unitl recently, having never had a blog before, it's now good to have a greater understanding of how each can be used. After reading about blogs I would probably say that a website is more appropriate for presenting information to its audience whereas a blog is better for sharing information on a more communicative basis.

Web Resources:

"Contributing to the Infosphere: E-Writing?."http://webct.curtin.edu.au/SCRIPT/305033_a/scripts/serve_home (accessed March 27, 2007).

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