Friday, March 30, 2007

Module 3 Legal Issues Task

1. Have you used images or words on your web page or website that contravene copyright laws?

No, the website that I uploaded to the NET11 Student Presentations area states that it is for the purpose of studies associated with the NET11 Internet Communications course. The content is my own and serves mainly as a portal to the assignments for this unit eg this blog. I have not utilised any images as yet, although I am planning to. For images, I would either use my own or free online stock images etc. In the case that I were to use an image, other than my own or stock, it would be for research purposes only and I would state the copyright owner and for what purpose it was being used for. For any written material, I would make sure it was referenced fully including where I sourced it from.

2. Would you be in breach of copyright if you put the Curtin logo at the top of your web page for an assignment?

Curtin's copyright statement does state that content from their site can be used for research purposes etc but I would be in breach of copyright if I used their logo as it has no bearing on any type of research associated with my studies. If for any reason I wanted to include their logo as a reference of some sort, I would be inclined to set up a link to their homepage from my site.

While on the subject of copyright, I have been considering incorporating audio into the site that I am building for the NED11 Internet Design course. This also got me thinking as to what the legal issues associated with audio on a website would be. To date, I think if I were to use an audio file, it would have to be sourced form some type of free online audio stock. So, still researching this issue.....

Web Resources:

Copyright Website LLC, "Website Copyright." (accessed March 30, 2007).

Curtin University, "Copyright at Curtin." Last updated March 28, 2007. (accessed March 30, 2007).

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